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Deep Compaction

Essentially required in order to reduce expected ground settlement and to protect underground utilities / structures etc.

  • Deep compaction by 350 mm dia Vibroflot, 3 m centres in sand.
  • Working on 12 hour basis, a vibroflot will achieve an output of 3-4,000 m3/shift (5,000 m3/day has been achieved in an extended shift).

Ground Compaction

Task / DescriptionSlow  Ave  Fast   Units
 Deep Vibroflot, 3m centres330.0 380.0 465.0  m3/hr
 Vibro-Roller, Sand28.5 31.2 45.2  m2/hr
 Vibro-Roller, Soil-  58.8 -   m2/hr
 Vibro-Roller, Clay-  55.6 -   m2/hr
 Vibro-Roller, Hardcore-  38.4 -   m2/hr
 Vibro-Roller, Ash-  57.8 -   m2/hr

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