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Is your Project ready for Earned Value Management (EVM)?

"Is your Project ready for Earned Value Management (EVM)?" by Patrick Kennerson


Introduction for Business Management for Oil and Gas Industry

Introduction for Business Management for Oil and Gas Industry

Total cost management is that area of engineering practice where engineering judgment and experience are used in the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of business and program planning; cost estimating; economic and financial analysis; cost engineering; program and project management; planning and scheduling; cost and schedule performance measurement, and change control.

Table of Contents

Implementing Earned Value Management in a R&D Environment

"Implementing Earned Value Management in a R&D Environment"

by Julie Owen


Earned Value Management System (EVMS)

"Earned Value Management System (EVMS)" by Alexander Cartwright

This sample document describes the overarching system used as a fundamental tool to manage project performance, and serves as the central EVMS guidance document for personnel at all sites throughout the division or company.

A great debate – value of implementing an earned value system

A great debate – value of implementing an earned value system” by Pradip Mehta

Comparison of Earned Value Standards

"Comparison of Earned Value Standards" by Paul E Harris


The standards reviewed all meet their stated objectives but are different in their approach to the subject, the level, detail they provide. These statements from taken from their introductions accurately describe each document.

Implementing Best Practice in Hospital Project Management Utilising EVPM Methodology


  • Implementing best practice in hospital project management through the use of a Project Office
  • Formal definition and control of interfaces between the architect, builder and the client hospital
  • Metric based Project Management Utilising the PMIBOK
  • Earned value tracking
  • Bottom Line focus
  • Case Studies: Latrobe Regional Hospital & A Major NSW Rehabilitation Hospital

Introduction to Earned Value Performance Management (EVPM) Then, Now and the Future

Introduction – What is Earned Value – A quick overview

There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the imitator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institutions and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new - Niccolỏ Machiavelli, The Prince

Using Cultural Change to Introduce Earned Value Performance Management


Some major construction companies have been used to adopting new management and construction methodologies over the years as a way of successfully gaining new projects and maintaining their market share.

The Case for a Standard Data Reporting Format in a Massive Multi-Contractor Environment


If my team and I were on a mission to standardize our program control software, we might perform a benchmarking exercise. I firmly believe if we performed such an exercise, we would find that one-hundred different organizations would have at least one-hundred-five software architectures between them. In fact, that may be optimistic.

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