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Retain or Override – The question is logical

Title: Retain or Override – The question is logical

Author: Stephen J.C. Paterson

GAO is Wrong


Activities have hundreds of fields and many might still be active if you only change a few.


GAO Schedule Assessment Guide Best Practices for Project Schedules suggests keeping deleted activities and logic while setting duration to 0. See page 140 of 240.

Planning, Scheduling, and Safety

All of us have seen the aftermath of those who defied the traffic sign “Drive slowly! Do not exceed the speed limits" or "Slow down, dangerous curve."  

As you drive on the highway, you begin to recognize that many drivers just ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20, or sometimes 30 kilometers per hour over the limit.

Everyone knows that speed kills, and seeing someone traveling above the limit makes us question how any intelligent person can commit such a reckless act. It is one of the number one ways to cause or get into a car accident. 

The story behind the negative float in P6

The negative float is a very popular hot topic in the scheduling field and it’s generated when the late dates are less than the early dates and usually it’s accompanied with a delay in the project, and a lot of project management professionals think that the only reason for a negative float is because a constraint that has been used in the schedule. Although the first thing you look for when you see a negative float is the constraints that are applied to the schedule, but that not the only reason that generates the negative float in P6.

Scheduling Training Slides


1) Purpose:  This slide deck allows the user to quickly develop a training presentation for how schedules are developed and maintained.  It may be easily customized to reflect any specific SOP’s.

CPM Scheduling for Construction – Best Practices and Guidelines


Title: CPM Scheduling for Construction – Best Practices and Guidelines

Author(s): Multiple contributing authors, 22 primary authors

ISBN: PMI / ISBN: 978-1-62825-037-4


Coming from the back of the book:

This compiles the work coordinated by the Scheduling Excellence Initiative Committee (SEI) to improve standardization and provide best practice guidelines for scheduling processes in the construction industry.

Scheduling 101: Don't Neglect this Essential Planning Tool

"Scheduling 101: Don't Neglect this Essential Planning Tool" by Debra Shelton


The lack of scheduling knowledge and experience can lead to a few common pitfalls.  This article explains some of the main issues.


Dynamic Scheduling

"Dynamic Scheduling" by Patrick Weaver


Diagrammatic representations of activities or events plotted against a time axis has been around since the mid eighteenth-century. For the first 200 years, static bar charts were the norm; dynamic schedules were only developed in the late 1950s. Unfortunately despite the many advantages offered by a well constructed dynamic schedule, by the mid 1990s most schedules had reverted to static displays.

A Guide to Scheduling Good Practice

"A Guide to Scheduling Good Practice" by Patrick Weaver


This paper is designed to provide guidance on ‘generally accepted good practices’ for the development of an effective, dynamic project schedule. The contents of this paper are consistent with the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition (PMBOK® Guide) and the PMI Practice Standard for Scheduling.

Focus on CPM Scheduling


It can be argued that in today’s environment more and more of the major projects in Australia and other countries are failing much more than they used to. Just look at Boeing with the extensive delays and overruns of the “Dream Liner aircraft and Lockheed Martin with the JSF, and not forgetting our own disasters such as Pluto, Desalination Plants in Sydney and Melbourne, the new trains in New South Wales.

Market Place

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