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Breaking Out

Concrete And Remove (hrs/m3)

Slabs - unreinforcedNe 50 mm2.351.96
 50 - 100 mm3.152.46
 100 - 200 mm3.753.94
 200 - 300 mm4.125.55
Slabs - reinforcedNe 50 mm4.713.92
 50 - 100 mm5.524.32
 100 - 200 mm5.884.71
 200 - 300 mm6.129.09
Walls - unreinforcedall walls4.713.04
Walls - reinforcedall walls5.523.92
Beams - reinforcedall sizes7.505.89
Columns - reinforcedall sizes9.207.30
Foundations - unreinforcedall sizes3.603.00
Foundations - reinforcedall sizes5.404.80

Breaking Out Tarmac

Rates include for breaking out and removal of rubble (hrs/m3).

PavingsNe 50 mm1.961.56
 50-100 mm2.081.64
 100-150 mm2.171.75
Roadwaysupto 150 mm 3.57

Breaking Out Brickwork

Rates include for breaking out and removal of rubble (hrs/m3).

Walls/columnsNe 100 mm2.401.38
 exc 100 mm2.751.57
Foundationall sizes2.751.57

Breaking Diaphragm Wall

Breaking Openings using coring machine 0.2m3/hour

Breaking out to expose couplers using hand held braker 1.75m2/day ot 2.5m run/day (0.7m slab)


Task / DescriptionSlow  Ave  Fast   Units
 Concrete Slabs, unreinforced 50-150mm3.2 -  1.9  hrs/m3
 Concrete Slabs, unreinforced 150-300mm5.5 4.1 3.7  hrs/m3
 Concrete Slabs, reinforced 50-150mm5.2 -  3.9  hrs/m3
 Concrete Slabs, reinforced 150-300mm9.1 6.2 4.7  hrs/m3
 Concrete Walls, unreinforced4.7 3.9 3.1  hrs/m3
 Concrete Walls, reinforced5.6 4.7 3.9  hrs/m3
 Concrete Foundations, unreinforced3.6 3.3 3.0  hrs/m3
 Concrete Foundations, reinforced5.4 5.1 4.8  hrs/m3
 Concrete Beams7.5 6.5 5.6  hrs/m3
 Concrete Columns9.2 8.2 7.3  hrs/m3
 Tarmac paving 20-50mm thick1.9 1.7 1.5  hrs/m3
 Tarmac paving 50-100mm thick2.1 -  1.6  hrs/m3
 Tarmac paving 100-150mm thick2.1 -  1.7  hrs/m3
 Tarmac roadway 150mm thick-  3.6 -   hrs/m3
 Brickwork, walls and columns2.4 1.8 1.3  hrs/m3
 Brickwork, foundations2.7 2.1 1.5  hrs/m3

Market Place

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