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Fibre Cables

There are 4 phases to laying fibre cables - The laying of the duct, the pulling of the fibre cable, the splicing/terminating of the cable and the testing of the cable.

The production rate for the laying of the duct will be as any similar small diameter pipe and dependent on the location and linear distance.

The cable pulling phase has less to do with the length of the pull and much more to do with the number of pulls required - ie draw pit to draw pit distance is less important than the number of times the cable pulling operation is started and stopped. Production is therefore the number of pulls per day. The installers will generally attempt to install the cable from termination point to termination point in one day. Depending on the environment, an assumption of one pull a day is conservative and 2 a day being more optimistic. Crew sizes are small, 3/4 operatives.

The termination is obviously a speciallist job and likely to be carried out by different small crew than the pulling of the cable.

The duration is dependent on the number of fibres in the cable, but  an assumption of one day per location and another day for testing at that location is reasonable.

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