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Define Second Fix

Definition of Building Services - Second Fix

Environmental Control Systems

  • This shall include the installation of fan coils, EP panels and PLC panels.
  • In addition, the insulation of all primary and secondary ductwork as well as pipework systems; leakage tests for ductwork and pipework; power and control cabling & wiring including termination; complete installation of pneumatic system. 

Electrical Systems

  • This shall include the installation of isolators, sockets, lighting, distribution boards, UPS/CBS/Batteries.
  • In addition, the installation and testing of all primary, secondary and final circuitry, cabling and wiring including terminations for isolators, sockets, lighting, transformers, switchboards, distribution boards, UPS/CBS/Batteries and any other power and control points shall be completed.
  • All electrical installation and testing work must comply with the HV and LV Power On Dates.

Plumbing and Drainage and Wet Fire Systems

  • This shall include the installaion of  the controls for flushing water system, sump pumps, potable water system, drencher system, water spray system, sprinkler system, fire services system, trackside fire fighting system.
  • In addition, the power and control wiring and cabling including termination shall be completed.
  • The hydraulic testing of all piping systems for pumps and the associated pipe works shall be completed.

AFA Fire Systems

  • This shall include cabling and wiring for AFA system, termination of cabling and wiring to the AFA panels and the AFA loops complete. 
  • This shall also include the installation of detector base plates.


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