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Stone Cladding

External Stone Walls Various stone finishes are available...

Polished / Tooled = Highly reflective finish. The full colour and grain of the stone becomes visible. A poished fiish seals the pores and gives a good weather and chemical protection.

Honed = Very smooth finish without reflections to show the full colour of the stone.

Flamed = Produced by applying a high-temperature flame to the surface ofthe stone. This flame fractures the surface crystals, leaving a rough textured finish.

Sequence of operations...

Each wall stone is individually numberd to correspond to theshop drawings. The setting out line is established and metal brackets and subframe is installed in accordance with the initial setting out line. Prior to drilling a cover meter is employed to check the cover on the concrete reinforcement. Each stone is individually supported and restrained.

Typical wall panel size 0.75 m2/stone.

  • Stones 0.5 m2 and under = 14 no/day
  • Stones 0.75 m2 and under = 12 no/day
  • Stones 0.75 - 1.00 m2 = 10 no/day
  • Flat Stone walls - Simple = 9.0 m2/day
  • Flat Stone walls - Average = 5.1 m2/day
  • Flat Stone Walls - V. Complex = 1.8 m2/day
  • Curved Wall cladding = 8.0 m2/day
  • Edge Beams/Window edges = 2.3 m2/day
  • Stone soffits = 4.0 m2/day

A cladding team consists of 1 fixer and 1 mate.


Task / DescriptionSlow  Ave  Fast   Units
 Fix 0.5m2 Stones to Metal Support Frame5.6 7.0 7.8  m2/day
 Fix 0.5-0.75m2 Stones to Metal Support Frame7.2 9.0 10.1  m2/day
 Fix 0.75-1.0m2 Stones to Metal Support Frame6.9 8.7 9.7  m2/day
 Fix Complex Stonework to Metal Support Frame-  1.8 -   m2/day
 Fix Curved Stone Cladding6.9 8.0 9.2  m2/day
 Fix Stone Edge Beams/Window Reveals-  2.3 3.2  m2/day
 Fix Stone Soffits-  4.0 -   m2/day
 Stone Floors6.9 10.4 12.2  m2/day
 Granite Wall Panels, First Fix-  1.3 -   m2/hr
 Granite Wall Panels, Second Fix-  1.1 -   m2/hr

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