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P6 Version 6.2.1 - Original Durations Changes

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Jon Ward
User offline. Last seen 9 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 60

Hi all,


As always – any assistance or ideas on this would be very much appreciated.


The scenario is as follows :

  • We have a project held on a central server, that is located within an Enterprise (EPS) node with its own current baseline
  • Other projects are held on the same server, however these are located in their own dedicated EPS nodes
  • This morning we have noticed that on most (nearly 7.6k activities) Task Dependant activities the Original Durations have (in some instances) moved considerably, for example the Original Duration is 2 days, however the Start Date =  21-Jan & Finish = 30-Jan,, while we are not concerned about the dates (as these are where they should be, we are concerned about the changes in the Original Durations
  • These changes in Original Durations are the same in the baseline also, as mentioned – the dates allocated to each activity have NOT changed but the Original Durations have changed
  • We have since F5’d and noticed that the Original Durations are back to where they should be (in most instances)
  • This is a resourced loaded schedule, the resources are on the correct Calendar, the calendar has not been amended in any way and shows the correct / expected working times,, the changes in durations make the length of the activity (start and finish) not equate to the ‘work time’ as per the calendar



Has anyone ever experienced this?


Raymund de Laza
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Make sure the Calendars used in the Activities is the same as the Default Calendar.

Shah. HB
User offline. Last seen 41 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Posts: 773

Hi Jon Ward

Check the the duration type from activity details and choose the option fixed duration and units

