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Upgrading from P6 version 6.0 to 6.2.1

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richu rose
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Dear friends,

I have P6 version 6.0, is it possible to upgrade to version 6.2.1 without paying any money.

I have been to oracle’s website
Is it possible to down load the file "Primavera P6 Client Applications v6.2.1" and install the file.




richu rose
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Dieter & Ravei,

Thank you for the information.


User offline. Last seen 4 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Richu,

U can also download upgrades from primavera / oracle website, if u dont have maintenance contract.

But, as Dieter has said, install all updates in sequence. Dont jump directly to 6.2.1

Dieter Wambach
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This upgrade will be in steps: 6.0 --> 6.1 --> 6.2 --> 6.2.1

The database must be upgraded as well. Maybe there is a skript to skip some of those steps. Study the text file on your installation-dvd - or in your downloaded files. There is a setup.exe

You’ll receive a dvd from your local dealer, if you have a maintenance contract.

