Turnaround / Shutdown Project Planning and scheduling is an important function that has a direct and dramatic impact on maintenance costs and bottom line profitability of a process plant. Hence Turnaround / Shutdown Management remained a very critical event warranting thorough and well organized planning which can yield satisfactory results.
- T/A & S/D is business plan
- Investment for Asset Management
- Chain link for Total Reliability Program & Mechanical Integrity for product facility.
- Utilize the spare parts
- Build the material & service records
- Trust relationship between contractors & manufactures.
- Cost Control
- Budget Structure Planning
This group/section will focus on how T/A & S/D Management Best Practices, benefits to improve resource, cost and schedule forecasting, better manage staff and improve project success rates for making better decisions; Minimize the risk of unforeseen costs with powerful analytics that let you plan ahead to adjust for possible changes.
Kindly share your Best Practices / concern about this group / section in the forum:
Mufiz Sayed