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Bars in red color for critical activities or float <=0

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Raul Santos
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I'd like to ask the experts in P6. I was presenting a report of critical activities with float less than or equal zero. They were coming up in red color. Now, all of a sudden, they are coming up in green color like a normal activity. I have reviewed the bars options and the filter for the red color is "Normal and Critical". The criteria of the filter option for this is "Critical equals Yes". Do you know what is happening?



Rafael Davila
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Make sure your software can display correct resource critical path, otherwise if in court might be questioned, not to mention you will be forever misled when resource leveling, you will never know.

Just take a look at the following example. Activities 3 and 4 cannot be delayed a single day without delaying the schedule.

 photo rc01_zps8f15d293.png

If your resource leveled run display the following then something is wrong there, learn to get it right, 2 correct values of float out of 4 is no good, 50% wrong is too much especially if 50% of your critical activities are wrong. If 50% of critical activities floats are wrong do not expect for non critical activities it will be better.

 photo rc02_zps858a725e.png

That the software displays some values for float this does not necessarily make them correct, NGIBSGO for "No Garbage In But Still Some Garbage Out". Make sure you get it right, it is not about nice red bars but about correct red bars.

Raymund de Laza
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On the Project Window Select the Opened Project.... under settings tab... define Critical Activities as what?

The filter will use then the setting above.

