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Free Float zero but Activity not Critical

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Shazia khan
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Dear Experts.

I have an schedule whereas some activities showing zero float but they are not in RED color BAR like critical,

some of them are RED Color showing Critical.

What could be the reason Please advise.

Best Regards


Zoltan Palffy
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the only what is that the float is not shown is either you did not calcuate the schedule or the activity is 100% complete

Asrar Khan
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Dear All,


I have a active project and schedule while inserting total float column there is variance in activity total float,however in some activities, float is not showing in the column, either zero or any digit means total float is blank.

Secondly,Critical path is pre defined in the project on the basis of longest path but in this CP float is showing so how can we say this is critical path.



Please any one response fast



Ramon Perry
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I had a similar problem recently, I found that activities had a total float of about 0.4 days, which P6 rounds down to 0 on the display. So activities appears as if they were ON the critical path with total float = 0 days, when in fact they were NEAR critical path with total float = 0.4 days.

The solution was to select Schedule (F9), select the options buttons, then specifiy 'Define critical activities as total float less than or equal to' = 12h.

This made my near critical path activity bars turn red.


Mukesh Kumar Khatri
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Thanks my problem is also solved

Shazia khan
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Thanks so much for you explanation i understand that,

If total Flat is zero then activity become Critical not the Free Float

I insert Both Column  Free Float and Total Flat

and its clear for me.

Best Regards

Daniel Limson
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Hi Shazia,

Note that Free float and Total float are two different things.

Free float is defined as the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any successor activity. Although an activity may actually have a zero free float it does not mean it is critical if the total float is more than zero.  Activities are only considered critical if they are on the critical path, these are a series of activities or longest chain of activities that drives the completion date and their total float is equal to zero.

Best regards,
