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Totals in Original Duration Column giving wrong figure

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Dean Pearcy
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Myself and a colleague are using PM6 and have access to exactly the same programme schedule. However, on his system, the WBS totals for Original Duration are much higher than on my system. The activities within each WBS section show the correct durations on both systems, but when rolled up to the summary line, his durations are 4.3 times longer than mine and clearly, visibly wrong. It is as if his system were adding up all the underlying values, rather than reflecting the total duration from start to finish of the particular WBS section.

We feel sure it is a user preference setting that is doing this, but can not find which.

Anyone ever had similar problems, and could lend us a hand?


Dean Pearcy


Rodana Saqallah
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hello all

i have issue  ...the original duration for project is less that what should be

actually it should be 270 day but its only 212

i checked calender and all solution that mentiond before

what should i do

Zoltan Palffy
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turn on your TIMES and check your hours makse sure the start time is 8 am and the finish time is 5 pm

also turn on your decimal places for your durations. Make sure that they are whole numbers

Zoltan Palffy
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turn on your TIMES and check your hours makse sure the start time is 8 am and the finish time is 5 pm

also turn on your decimal places for your durations. Make sure that they are whole numbers

Syed Sohail
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i have one problem....


My Original Duration is coming 8 to 10 days lesser than the orignal difference of finish and start date...

i have checked the calender , working hours...all are ok..


Kindly help....

Daniel Limson
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I have experience the same problem before and here is how to overcome it. If you do not do it right, you can easily screw-up the data base so be sure to backup (export) your file before you change any configuration.

1.) Check both computer settings under "Admin Preference" then click tab "Time Period". The default setting for "hourly time period" should be 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week, 172 hours/month and 2000 hours/year. If this not the case, then you should change it.

2.) Under Edit, go to "User Preference" and make sure that the time unit or unit of time is set as a "day".

3.) Check your Calendar Settings (click modify) and make sure that the working hours is set to 8 hours/day

Once you have checked that both computers have the same configuration, then import back same file to your computers and re-calculate or reschedule.

Best of luck,


Agnes Gaines
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you do face this issue when there is more than one user.

In my case i didn't actually have to deal with the problem,

i wasn't sharing it with another person for too long

convert mp4 to avi

Raymund de Laza
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Set your default calendar similar to the activities calendar.

Vaibhav Kapoor
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Were you able to find solution to this problem?

I am facing the same issue.. I think it has to do with calendar mismatch as the problem cropped up after I changed calendars. But now I have only one calendar assosiated everywhere but can't get rid of this problem!!!



 Thanks in advanceVaibhav
kumar s
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Dear Dean,


check your user preferance time periods.

specify the duration in the time period as how many hours per day ,per week,per month and so on.

WBS duration band calculates the duration on the assigned default calender which is set in the global calender.

so you have to also check the calender assinged there and that should match with the calender which you have used for the project or to the activities. 

Dean Pearcy
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Thanks for the suggestion but that can't be the problem. We are accessing the SAME programme, but on different machines. If there were errors in assigning calendars, the errors would be evident on BOTH systems.

The fact that it shows as being correct on one system and wrong when viewed on another suggests that it is a system setting or user preference that is unique to that system. Only how the data is being viewed is being affected, NOT the actual data.



Kamal Joshi
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Try checking the Calenders assigned to the project & activities.