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Primavera P6 R7.0.0 Duration Request (showing instead of Original working duration the real calendar duration)

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Adnan Kocak
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I have a question: If somebody helps me I will be appriciated.


Activity Start Date: 31 August 2012 

Activity Finish Date: 25 February 2013

The Primavera defined duration from the defined calendar is showing me: 145 days.

but the real calendar duration from the start date to finish date is: 179 days.

In P6 our Employer's request is to show on the schedule the real duation instead of working duration. Also in the summary of the work schedule is showing in total 750 days instead of 912 days.

Is it possible to show the real calendar duration (total days) in the summaries of the work schedule.

I will be happy, if somebody from the friends here can help me, if they had before some request like that in the past.


Thank you very much.


Zoltan Palffy
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there is always a way to do things you just have to think through the process 

Giacomo Biagini
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thanks for the smart trick, much helpful. I always just believed who said it was not possible to show it. 

Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help 

Vishal Gourgonda
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Thanks Zoltan Palffy .. nice illustration...!




Zoltan Palffy
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 I have your solution it involves 3 udf's user defined fields a 1 global change. This works I tested it 

go to Enterprise User Defined Fields

make sure that actviites up top is showing 

selet new right hand side

create these 3 udfs

UDF_START  and make the type an integer

UDF_FINISH and make the type and integer

UDF_#DAY and make the  type an integer


next select tools global change

select add rigth hand side

Where Original duration is greater than 0

Then UDF_START = Start

And UDF_FINISH = Finish


right hand side select change

select Yes

then lower right Committ Changes

then select no


now instead of displaying the Original duration column just display the UDF_#DAY column and if you want to you can edit the column name 

this works what you are doing is straight math here by setting the UDF_START and UDF_FINISH to calendar day numbers obtained from the start and finish dates and then just subtracting the finsh calendar day number from the start calendar day number to give you the UDF_#DAY to use as your duration. 

yalçın güner
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Try to "Hide if Emty" box check on via Group and Short Menu

yalçın güner
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Try to "Hide if Emty" box check on via Group and Short Menu

yalçın güner
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Try to "Hide if Emty" box check on via Group and Short Menu

chinchu vasudevan
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assign a 7 day calendar to each activities,

chinchu vasudevan
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dear friend,

make a new 7day calendar & assign to all activities.

hope Your problem could be solved.


Manochehr Hosseini
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something is possible for activities but not for wbs levels.

Using global changes is not possible here, even if you want to add a User defined field and make it equal to finish date - start date it will take in to the account the calendars. 

For activities the only possible way is to create a user defined filed, export the file in to the excel, calculating the variances between dates in excel then import it back. but it doesnt work for WBS levels. 




khairul Izani Othman
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Any one can help on this problem?

Maybe there is a solution using global change? Anyone ??

Kaif Mohsin
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Dear Adnan,

In P6 Rel 7, the duration for the summary at WBS level is calculated in the following two ways:

1. If all the activities lying under a WBS follow the same calendar then the duration at the summary level is calculated based upon that calendar only.

2. If the activities lying under a WBS have different calendars assigned to them then the duration at the summary level is calculated based upon the Project's Default calendar (the one that is assigned under the Defaults tab of the Project window).

So, the only solution possible to your query is the same as suggested by Mr. Raymund before that is to create a dummy activity for every WBS and set its activity calendar as 7 days. Then mark the 7 days calendar as the Project's default calendar under the Defaults tab of the Project window.



Kaif Mohsin
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Dear Adnan,

In P6 Rel 7, the duration for the summary at WBS level is calculated in the following two ways:

1. If all the activities lying under a WBS follow the same calendar then the duration at the summary level is calculated based upon that calendar only.

2. If the activities lying under a WBS have more than one calendar assigned to them then the duration at the summary level is calculated based upon the Project's Default calendar (the one that is assigned under the Defaults tab of the Project window).

So, the only solution possible to your query is the same as suggested by Mr. Raymund before that is to create a dummy activity for every WBS and set its activity calendar as 7 days. Then mark the 7 days calendar as the Project's default calendar under the Defaults tab of the Project window.



Adnan Kocak
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Thank you very much for your supoort. But still the durations are showing only the working days durations. Also by total project, if you filter the critical activities and hide in "group and sort" the emtpy summaries ("hide if empty") , the duration is showing only the working duration days.



Raymund de Laza
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All Calendars are intact.... it will not be affected by making the 7 days calendar as default.

It will just show what's your requirement is.


Adnan Kocak
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Hi Raymund,


Sorry for my late response. If I make a default calendar with 7 days working day. What will be happen with the calendar what we have created with religious and holidays nonworking days ?


Adnan Kocak
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Hi Raymund,


Sorry for my late response. If I make a default calendar with 7 days working day. What will be happen with the calendar what we have created with religious and holidays nonworking days ?


Raymund de Laza
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Try creating a calendar with 7 days and make as the default calendar.... even witout adding a dummy activities...

Adnan Kocak
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Hi Raymund,


Thank you for your response. But to give in a big schedule for every WBS code a dummy activity is not easy. Under every group will be an empty activity. I hope my friends can find another solution in our forum.


Thank you again.


Adnan Kocak
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Hi Raymund,


Thank you for your response. But to give in a big schedule for every WBS code a dummy activity is not easy. Under every group will be an empty activity. I hope my friends can find another solution in our forum.


Thank you again.


Raymund de Laza
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Create a dummy activity for every WBS and set its activity calendar as 7 days.

Then mark the 7 days calendar as the default calendar and you get what you requires.


Adnan Kocak
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Of course it's it will work with 7 days calendar. But we are working 6 days in a week. Also we have put the religious and holidays in the calendar as nonworking days. ıs there really no solution for this problem. Please help me.


Thank You..

Adnan Kocak
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Of course it's it will work with 7 days calendar. But we are working 6 days in a week. Also we have put the religious and holidays in the calendar as nonworking days. ıs there really no solution for this problem. Please help me.


Thank You..

Anoon Iimos
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try creating a 7 days per week calendar and use it; I guess this will solve your problem

David Kelly
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