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Original duration (10 days) – Actual duration (5 days) = Remaining duration (10 days)?

7 replies [Last post]
Sergey Shevchenko
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Trying to update activities automatically but original duration every time prolongs itself with out changing remaing duration?

Thank you


Sergey Shevchenko
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Thank you!

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 41 weeks ago. Offline


All hitting schedule does is to move the data date -it does not automatically adjust remianing duration for you


To do this, you need to use the "update progres" function instead (Tools > Update progress)


NB: Best practise is to manually adjust remaining duration rather than to use this function, as it is dangerous to assume all started activities have progressed precisely to plan.





Sergey Shevchenko
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1) Set ACTUAL START, push F9, click SHEDULE;

2) Yes for ALL. 


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 41 weeks ago. Offline



1) Please explain the procedure you are using to update activities automatically

2) Is this issue occuring for all activities, or just some of them?

Sergey Shevchenko
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Thank you for answers!

I'm trying to describe my issue in the picture


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 41 weeks ago. Offline



1) Please explain the procedure you are using to update activities automatically

2) Is this issue occuring for all activities, or just some of them?

Sendhil Kumar
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Original Duration Never changes. It is the planned time to complete a task.

Actual duration is the time actually spent for a task. (It is calculated as a difference of Actual start date & data date for in progress activities.)

Remaining duration is no of days u require to complete the activity from data date. This to be given by you at the time of updating.

At complete duration is the no of days that would actually be spent to "Complete" a task. This might keep on changing for every update till an activity is completed.