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Percentage Question

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Valdas Mockevicius
User offline. Last seen 13 years 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 5
When entering % for activities which do not have resources assigned, summary percentage (WBS level) displays not correctly. Tried to play with Percentage type and Duration type, but I cannot get proper summary percent.
In such case when activities are without resources which Percentage type and which Duration type you recommend to use?


David Kelly
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Estimated weight is a way of ranking each part of the WBS, so that when you use "Top Down Estimating" the lump sum that you spread to the activities is weighted by the relative value of each WBS. The actual values that you use are not important, only the relative weight of the valuES (e.g. 1,2,4 is the same as 500,1000,2000)

Its a bit of a long process to describe here. BUT if you want your % complete not linked to activity duration, this is an excellent technique for linking it to a pre-defined value judgement of the "worth" of each WBS
Valdas Mockevicius
User offline. Last seen 13 years 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 5
Thanks for the answer. Looks like "dummy" resource is the only way, thought maybe you guys know anything that we don’t.
Have another, maybe little bit related question - in WBS level we have column for Estimated Weight. How this can be used and how it can affect percentage of WBS elements? Should Estimated Weight be entered in %, or in units up to 1?
David Kelly
User offline. Last seen 2 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Oct 2004
Posts: 630
Great question

Duration percent complete is NOT available in the WBS screen.

If none of the activities have any resources, then I would allocate a dummy resource to every activity, on a one unit per workperiod basis ( i.e. for a 10 day activity, a total of 10 man-days of resource) priced at $1.00 per unit. This means your resource quantity equals your duration.

Then you can use "performance per cent complete".