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Expected Percentage Complete

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Dave Turnbull
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How do you get your expected %complete, in microsoft project I used a formula that calulated the expected percentage of the baseline from what ever status date i entered. I could probably work this out myself but it would be very time consuming, surely there must be some way of displaying this? Therefore i can look at the overall percentage of the project against the expected percentage and also for each task.

Any help would be most grateful


France Tintinger
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Using Performance % Complete To show True Physical % Complete At Roll Up Level

NB!! Use only if no resources are allocated to the schedule or alternatively if resources have no Price/Unit value assigned to them (i.e. Price/Unit = $0.00/d)

As stated above, a work around to display the schedule’s true physical % complete at WBS roll up level can be achieved in the following manner :

1) Add a new resource & name it something like with a Resource ID of D and Resource Name of Dummy Resource.
2)Set the Default Units/Time to 1d/d (when duration is in days) or 1h/h (when duration is in hours)
3)Set the Price/Unit to $0.01/d or alternatively $0.01/h
4)Now, add this dummy resource to all activities in the schedule by clicking on first activity and shift click on last activity in schedule and clicking on Assign Resources in the right hand ribbon menu and choosing the dummy resource
5) Now, to ensure that the Performance % Complete coloumn displays the correct physical % complete no matter what an activity’s original duration is, you must set up and run a Global Change with the following settings and a name that can be easily located in the Global Change window
a) Select Subject Area must be set to Activity Resource Assignments
b)In the first window of Modify Global Change the statement must read
Where Original Duration is not equal to 1d (or 1h)
And Resorce ID Name is under D.Dummy Resource
c) In the second window of Modify Global Change the statement must read
Then Budgeted Labour Units = 1d (or 1h)
6) NB!! Do not forget to run this global Change whenever assigning the dummy resource for the FIRST time to an activity or set of activities.
7)You can change the name of Performance % Complete to a more descriptive name to suit it’s new role such as Overall Activity % Complete.
8) The accurate physical % complete will now be available for WBS roll ups.
9) Oh, almost forgot, make sure that % Complete Type in the Activity Details General tab is set to Duration

I hope this helps

kind regards

France Tintinger
Peter Nicol
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I think there is some misunderstanding of how physical & performance % complete work.

physical cannot be rolled up directly because there is no easy way to weight the work to roll it up (an average does not work). The only way is performance % complete

the calcs used as follows:

@ activity level:
- performance % complete = activity % complete = physical % complete.

- EV Cost = performance % complete * Budget at completion (BAC) (this is your baseline cost)

@ a rolled up level:
- EV Cost = adds up all activities under the rollup

- performance % complete = EV Cost (rolled up) / BAC

essentially by this calc, Perf % complete is the EV % complete which is of course the actual work completed which is what you are after i think (this is how i calculate it). A little hint to get around of having to have exact costs in P6 (something I personally try to avoid). Try putting default rate of $1/hr (so all resources run off the same rate). This means the % complete does not take into account the hours. It’s about as close as you will ever get to rolling up physcial % complete and if you think about it logically it’s the only way.

PS - schedule % complete is rolled up in a similar fashion using Planned Value. (this refers to the planned % complete)

- Pete
nelson medilo
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thanks a lot arnold..
Arnold Puy
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Unfortunately No.
nelson medilo
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hi arnold,

thanks again.

So Performance % Complete related to monetary of the project. Is the roll up percentage of "physical % complete" can also be shown? how? i tried also to use this, but there is no summarized roll up percentage.

thanks in advnce.

more power.


Arnold Puy
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Hi Nelson,

Make sure that you update & both current schedule & baseline must have price/unit not equal to zero. Because perofrmance % complete is related to monetary.

Regarding the schedule % complete. Yes, you must have baseline assigned to your current in order to compare the two schedule whether you are ahead or behind of schedule. schedule % complete will also roll up in your summary even though you do not have baseline assign to your current. By only using current as your baseline this will also show in your summary.


nelson medilo
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Hi arnold,

Thanks for the response, all the price/unit of my resources that i’d alloted on my activities are not equal to zero. but i will double check it again. Maybe i overlooked some of my resources.

One more thing arnold, in the "Schedule Percent Complete" roll up, i must maintain and assigned of its Baseline before i can see the roll up percentage in the summary?

Thanks arnold.

Hope i will see a response from you again.

More power.

Arnold Puy
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Hi Nelson,

Performance percent complete will always roll up in the summary if your resource price/unit is not equal to zero. even though you will use the physical % complete.


nelson medilo
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hi guys, maybe you can help me on this, how to show the roll up percentage in "Performance Percent Complete" when the percent complete type i used on my activities are "Physical Percent Complete"

Really appreciated if you guys answer my queries.

Thanks guys..

More Power!
Barry Fullarton
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we had his problem as well , but this doesnt work on duration , you will need a Budget on the Baseline and then the actuals in teh master for this to work correctly
Alex Wong
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Hi Dave

As you might already know that MSP do not have the status update date concept. So you have to calculate it yourself and P3 (DOS) .... P6.2 refer it as DATA DATE where CPM / Float and EV is calculated from this date)



Dave Turnbull
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Mark, that is exactly what i was looking for, just didnt know how primavera showed it. thank you both for your reply.
Mark Porter
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Dave, Reading between the lines I’m assuming that you want to compute the expected % complete of the baseline duration for a particular activity.

If you use the Schedule % complete field in P6 it is defined as, quote; "The activity schedule percent complete. The Schedule % Complete specifies how much of the activity’s baseline duration has been completed so far. Computed based on where the current data date falls between the activity’s baseline start and finish dates. If the data date is earlier than the baseline Start, the Schedule % Complete is 0. If the data date is later than the baseline Finish, the Schedule % Complete is 100. The Schedule % Complete indicates how much of the activity duration should be currently completed, relative to the selected baseline. whilst noting that this is relevent to the data date.
Omar Grant
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Dave - if you have created a baseline ’S’ curve then reference to the cumulative % axis from any date will give you the expected % complete.