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Data Date Explained...

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has a simple explanation of the Data date, what it is, what it's used for and how you would use a data date when you were updating a schedule weekly and updating a schedule monthly?

I'm aware of the data date I've just never found an exact, easy to understand definition and explanation of the concept.

I also need to pass this information on so would appreciate if I had a mastery of the subject matter first!

Thanks for your help,


Shah. HB
User offline. Last seen 1 year 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

In addition to Vladimir Liberzon


1.Data Date is the reference date, to start the scheduling calculations (Forward/Backward Pass)


2.It is a Calendar date that separates actual (historical) data from future (scheduled) data

Johannes Vandenberg
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I am running a website special dedicated to none planning professionals. These are engineers, production engineers, procurement officers, fabrication superintendents, fabrication supervisors, foreman and sometimes for project managers. I find often that the reading and understanding of Primavera schedules for none planning professionals is not as obvious as i would like. In order to meet the needs of better and more effective communication to the none planners i have launched this website. The site is now running for a year and a can already see that i have made good progress. Especially our production engineers and  fabrication supervisors and the foremen are now familiar with the schedules. The site was set-up for Dutch speaking people only but i have now translated a large part of the content in English.  I have also added a translate module for many other languages.

I here include a link to the website demonstrating the updating  and tracking of a resource loaded schedule in Primavera Suretrak. Here you can see the the Data date and the effect on the updating of the schedule and the tracking of the progress. I have made an baseline schedule and have updated and tracked progress for a period of 6 weeks. I have also included histograms and s-curves.

Here is the link

For the home  website Planning for none planners

Trust this is useful.



Data Date is time up to which all information was updated.

Data Date shall be the same for all project elements (objects) before you will run project scheduling.