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Schedule not using a Current Data Date

3 replies [Last post]
Ken Barrett
User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 37
I am scheduling a very large construction job in the Petro Chemical industry. It is going to run for approx 2 years. The client has new construction going in (Piping and Equipment) which will be a regular work week. But they also need to have a shutdown for all the tie ins eventually. There was no problems before becuase I had hard dates that certian milestones had to be met by. So from there I could move back from those dates and figure out when certain engineering packages needed to start so that they would be complete on time for the procurment/fab/installations. I gave these engineering packages a mandatory start date and scheduled from there. Now, the client has given me a bunch of different sceinarios that they want run (move the scheduled milestone dates out) and they would like to know what the new start dates would be.
Here is my problem. I gave all the new mileston activities constaints to start on, and removed the constraints for the engineering packages, but when I schedule all the initial activities just start at my data date. How do I schedule the project not using a data date so that it will schedule using the new constraints put in the middle of the schedule?
I hope that made sense...

Thanks in advance


Mike Testro
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Hi Ken

You beat me to it - I was going to suggest that method.

I set lead in procurement to ALAP as a standard so that progress on the works reflects in the Lead In Activities.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Ken Barrett
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After much trial and error, I figured out that to make all activities that are not maditory starts as "start as late as possible" then sechdule... works like a charm...
Carmen Arape
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Do not worry. It made sense ….

I have done that but at the beginning of a project where everything is going to happen therefore start date=data date. What if runnings were simulated using constraint dates. Name it: start ON, or mandatory start and so on.

Your case is different, You have a portion in your schedule which is actual, real execution that you do not want to mess up. BUT you want to run the What IF scenarios. First of all, I would recommend making a copy of the original schedule and work with the copy.

If I were you I would create key points in the schedule (milestones) where I can link the activities being affected to this milestone. The key point would be taken the place of Data date with a constraint date. These points will be linked to activities being executed. Minimize links of these key points with activities under execution.

Ken , I hope my answer makes sense to you