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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

beginner as a planner

2 replies [Last post]
huda abdallah
User offline. Last seen 8 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Jan 2016
Posts: 3

I am a new planner , i'l like to ask expert planner how I start my carrer as a planner , thanks in advence 


Zoltan Palffy
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I echo what Mike has stated and see if you can get someone to take you under his wing as a mentor and guide you and give you proper direction and advise. 

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Huda - Welcome to Planning Planet

Get to know the construction process. Get a job on a construction site as a junior planner and spend as much time as you can walking around - looking and learning. Ask questions all the time. Think about the economics of construction. Every hard hat has a price tag - imagine it has a little flag that reads $20 per hour. The hook on the tower crane has $1500 per hour. work out for yourself where money is being poured away. Never loose your enthusiasm and curiosity and most important enjoy what you do.

Good luck with your future career.

Mike Testro