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Overall vs Duration on Table Definition Dialog Box

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Anu hans
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I have created a column for Planned Percent Complete(PPC). When I opened the Table Definition Dialogue Box under Measure of Progress I can choose on drop down following options;




I'd like to know the difference when reporting progress between duration vs Overall please?


Anu hans
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Thanks lot

Sanjib Pradhan
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Overall Progress :  You may wish to enter and display progress as an overall percentage complete, a measurement that is independent of the duration of a task. For example, if a task is planned to take 10 days and 5 days have elapsed but only 20% of the task work has been done, you can record that the task is 20% overall complete, even though it is 50% complete when progress is viewed as a percentage of the task duration. Changes to the actual or remaining duration will not change the overall percentage complete value. Calculating progress in this way is most useful if you do not assign resources to your tasks. This progress is similar to P6 Physical Progress.


Sources : Power project help

Sanjib Pradhan
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Source: Power Project Help: You may wish to enter and display progress as an overall percentage complete, a measurement that is independent of the duration of a task. For example, if a task is planned to take 10 days and 5 days have elapsed but only 20% of the task work has been done, you can record that the task is 20% overall complete, even though it is 50% complete when progress is viewed as a percentage of the task duration. Changes to the actual or remaining duration will not change the overall percentage complete value. Calculating progress in this way is most useful if you do not assign resources to your tasks. This progress is similar to P6 Physical Progress.
Anu hans
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Thanks lot for your explanation