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Table Definition User Fields

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d asd
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Hi Hopefully someone will be able to help.


I wish to have multiple "text only" fields in the columns. Asta bydefinition has 5 user text fields.  I need 4 or 5 more.

I have followed the asta help tool and done the following 

 1 entered the user field manager in the project tab

2  select "USER"  from the "object type" dop down.

3 Added new fields as STRING type with new names.

4 applied the setting and sved.

When i then go to the Column type as it suggests in the table nothing shows up to select.  What am I doing wrong.


Thankyou in advance





d asd
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Thanks Mike


I knew there was a way.  There usually is in Asta. Cant be said of some other software...




Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Hi D

Welcome to Planning Planet

Step 2 - Select BAR from the "Object Type" drop down - not USER.

You can have any number of user fields in the system - just select the ones you want to display.

Best regards

Mike Testro