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Change Order

2 replies [Last post]
Nazir Ahmad
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what is the difference in Variation and change order?

Can someone please clarify?


Carmen Ford
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A change order is a notification that something has changed on the project - it is a Project Controls tool. A variation is a commerical document used to notify the client of a commerical change on the project 

 A change can be a scope change, a design change, or a trend.  Not all change orders lead to variations.  A scope change is invariably a variation as it relates to the defined contractual scope being changed.  A design change may be seen as "in-scope" or design development and may not trigger a variation.  A trend may be a forecast of time delay or saving, or cost over or under run forecast, or events that are technically in scope but have an impact on time or scope (e.g. wet weather, approvals).  Trends in isolation may not lead to a variation, hower a series of trends may be enough to prove a contractual delay or issue and result in a varation.

Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 24 weeks 3 hours ago. Offline

Hi Nazir,

Both are the same. The name would be specified in your Contract as " What you would call it if it is not included in your Actual Scope. Either it would be known as Change Order or Variation Order.


