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Calender Problem

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mukunda y
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Guys, I made 6 days celnder, assigned 8hrs a day, it is taking 8 hrs a day....

        where as when i made 6 days calender with 10hrs, here also it is taking 8hrs a day.....

       i dont understand the logic behind this,,, or where i am going wrong... please assist,,





Sandy Matheson
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Yes thanks, fairly obvious is it not!

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Hi Sandy,

1st Check the option in Admin Preferences-->Time Periods---> Use assigned calendar to specify the number of work hours for each period .


Sandy Matheson
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I've found the solution!

Sandy Matheson
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I have a related problem trying to modify a calendar.  Even when using Admin Superuser status I cannot access the "Time Periods" as shown below.  Any Ideas?


Pierfrancesco M. Bau
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iwhen I use calendar 8 hrs/day I set 8hrs/day, 40 hrs hrs/W, 172 hrs/M, 2080 hrs/Y.

These value because in a year we have 52 wekks, so in a month the averace is 4,33 weeks.


with 10hrs/day a do the same,



Rafael Davila
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Beware that the difference between 2000 days and 2080 days is 80 days = 0.32 years difference if displaying years using a calendar with the  2000h/y and 8h/d conversion factors.

Based on 2000h/y and 8h/d conversion factor a difference of 80 days means 80dx8h/d = 640 hours which translates into 0.320 years difference based on a 2000h/y conversion factor.

Check the math going the other way.

0.320 years = 0.320y x 2000h/y = 640 hours

640 hours = 640h / 8 h/d = 80 days

Seems like the difference was based on % expressed as a decimal change using 80h/2080h = 0.0385 = 3.85%

the computation is correct but displayed as a % change expressed in decimals and not in years [based on a 2080h/y calendar].

There is no doubt combining multiple factors complicate some computations, if you want to find the duration in hours between two dates Ron Winter has a calculator that is included under his software Schedule Analyzer. My guess is you enter the specific calendar and it will tell you the duration in work hours between the two dates, considering the calendar exceptions, if in days then I believe there is the possibility it might be missing the new additional conversion factors under the newer versions of P6. Ron Winter can give us some light with regard to this, maybe he already made the adjustments if were necessary.

Rafael Davila
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Definitivelly with more conversion factors the probabilities of data entry error increases. I can handle a conversion factor from hours to days and viceversa but more than this is too much, even when planning long investment jobs that require modeling of discounted cash flow for over 30 years. The recommendation by Paul Harris to display only durations in hours is not bad. I would say in case of doubt about the conversion factor then play it safe, enter duration in hours.


Gary Whitehead
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fair point.

Ronald Winter
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This discussion about monthly and yearly conversion factors is rather pointless, is it not?  How many of you enter years or even months into a schedule for activity durations?  Does anyone enter “1y” into an activity’s duration and expect that to work out well?  Does anyone display schedules configured to show years as the standard duration? 


If you are not entering yearly durations and are not displaying schedules displaying years for duration, then these conversion factors are not used.  If you are displaying years, the difference between 2000 days and 2080 is 0.038.  Unless you are displaying years to two decimal points, this is not even going to show-up.

Rafael Davila
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Primavera P6 and many other software use the hour as their planning unit, everything is converted into hours and when you have calendars with weeks with different work hours per day it gets complicated but not too difficult to understand.

Always keep in mind different P6 versions might work differently.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline

1. Your calculation assumes there are 4 weeks in an average month, which is not true.

Primavera default is to assume there are 21.5 working days in a typical month (it's actually 21.67) * 8hrs = 172hrs / month

Primavera default is to round the year to 2,000 instead of 52*5*8 = 2080hrs. I don't know why it does this -possibly assumes a 2wk annual holiday period.

The important thing to remember is you can change these to whatever you want, so if you don't think the factors are correct, change them.


2. for 10hr day, 6 day week I would assign 260hrs/month and 3,120hrs/year, or tick the "use assigned calendar checkbox" to let Primavera claculate it so it matches your calendar precisely (including any non-work periods like christmas)






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Hi Pierfrancesco M. Bau

I need to ask you one thing regarding your post or anyone else who ca answer this,

1-If you see the default hours/time period (using 5 days per week basic calender)  in primavera p6 ,these are,

8h/day,40h/week,272h/month and 2000h/year.

but if you calculate then per month and per year values should be 8*5*4=160h/month , and 8*5*4*12=1920h/year.How these mothly and yearly values are calculated in p6.

2-And if you use (10H/day , 6day/week) calender then what values will you assign to hr/month and hr/year???



Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Have u checked ur Hours per Time period in the "User Preferences"??

Pierfrancesco M. Bau
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Hi Mukunda Y


Choose-----> "Enterprise" / "Calendar" and then:a) choose your project calendar and select it to modify itb)  make a new calendar, choose "Add" if you choose b) choose "Modify" from this view it open the "Globar Calendar" maskfrom this mask you could chooseb1) "Total work hrs/day" then set the ammount of "work hrs/day" b2) detailed work hrs/day, then you could set the ammount of "work hrs" choosing the beginning and the end of the working hrs for one day b3) if you clik the button "work week" you could choose the week working day and select the same option to b2 b4) if you clik the button "Time Periods" you could det the working hrs by day/week/month/year. the above indications should solved your trouble bye
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline

How do you know your 10hr/day calendat is taknig 8 hrs/day?

What menu / option / window / report is telling you this?