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24 replies [Last post]
Maria del Mar Naz
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To COPY the resources from p6 to excell I do as follows: On the assignment screen, I group the screen as I prefer and on the right pane of the screen right I customize what to include,remaining early and late units. Then I chnage the time scale to what I want(from ps TO pf).after that and on the right pane, highlight the items and press ctrl C and then ctrl V in an Excel file. The problem is that even if I change the timescale to finish in the PF DATE when I copy the information TO excel he last date that is copied istn the PF Date and because of that i do not have the complete remaining late units distribution. Thank you in advance


Bonsio Noval PMP
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Hi all,

     I also encountered the same issue, but when I tried to select the “Hide if empty” check box under the “Group and Sort” tab all the date(month) which is empty will not be included when I paste it to excel sheet. It will only copy the PS and PF date of the project. 

Zoltan Palffy
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try ctrl-C for copy then ctrl-v to paste as in any winidows based application



Santhosh Kumar
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I am facing a similar issue. on the assigment view, I have done the grouping by Resource name and then WBS. I have checked "Show Grand Totals" in Display options. After I selecting this view (Ctrl+A) when I try to copy (Ctrl+C),  the Total, Resource name and WBS are getting de-selected and I cannot copy/paste that to excel sheet. I tried this with changing the grouping to Resource ID name, still facing same issue. What is the cause of this issue and what is the solution? 

Zoltan Palffy
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Select the first month and data press the shift and control key (HOLD THEM BOTH DOWN) now go to the right and select the last month of your data 

Talgat Baimukanov
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Hi all,

I had the same problem occured to me as well. F5 Refresh command did not work for me.

However, changing the levels in Grouing to 'Resource ID Name (Levels ...)' solved the problem of copying and pasting directly from P6. Now I can use my Ctrl+C. Hope it helps.


Talgat Baimukanov

Talgat Baimukanov
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Hi all,

I had the same problem occured to me as well. F5 Refresh command did not work for me.

However, changing the levels in Grouing to 'Resource ID Name (Levels ...)' solved the problem of copying and pasting directly from P6. Now I can use my Ctrl+C. Hope it helps.


Talgat Baimukanov

Zoltan Palffy
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not sure why but this solution always works for me

work around is to use the snipping tool and take a screen shot of the area paste it into excel and manually duplicate the screen shot. 

Hi Zoltan,


Thank you for your reply.


I already made that what you had explained but still the same I cannot extract the exact data I wanted to get.I am using now report wizard which will take time.I was still hoping that you can provide more another options.


Hello Robin,


Pressing F5 or refreshin the program still didn't work out.Doing report wizard was my last option as of now that is taking time.Hope you can provide more options.



Robin Clare-Talbot
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Hi all,

This is a very common issue, and has to do primarily with hardware constraints. If you are copying from the resource assignments table to excel for s-curves etc, sometimes it does not allow you to select the entire range.

Quite simple, hit F5 to refresh data, this should most of the time work, and then you can re-select all the data, alternatively restart your P6.

Zoltan Palffy
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I do not know what you mean by setting the time scale. All you do is highlight the values you want from when want to start to copy them to when you want to finish copying them. 

Select the first month and data press the shift and control key now go to the right and select the last month of your data 

leave go of the shift key and the control key and press control-v

in excel press control-v


I already set the timeframe to Baseline Project start and finsih manually by costumizing but still the same output I got.


Thanks for your reply.

Zoltan Palffy
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try going a few months PAST (to the right of) the PF date when highlighting then copy then paste

I face the same problem with this one and it will be much more help if you can give more detailed sequence in timeframe settings with filter activities.



I face the same problem with this one and it will be much more help if you can give more detailed sequence in timeframe settings with filter activities.



Rolf Suurland
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The timescale filter is seperate from the activity filter.

Maybe check if your filter is in the same time frame as the Timescale filter

I would solve this problem with a report eventually though because you will never be sure if the data you are copying is always the same. Lay-outs change, eventually you will forget you changed something to the lay- and than your output is inconsistent. A report is always consistent in its output 


Anning Sofi
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I think that probably

1) When you selected the data to be copied, the data range highlighted to be copied (when you selected the data) did not include the time range that you want. - verify if your selection of data to be copied includes the PF date

2) maybe a hardware limitations of your computer RAM - may need to increase

Jeannie Henderson
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By Selecting all from Edit and then Copy-You can pull in dates...todays and furture

I cannot find to pull past history-progressed history.


Also, it will only copy over a total assigned per day-I can not get it to copy over 2-shifts-even though I have it displayed??

odd...I'm in P7 learning something new every day and scratching my head daily as well lol.

Jeannie Henderson
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By Selecting all from Edit and then Copy-You can pull in dates...todays and furture

I cannot find to pull past history-progressed history.


Also, it will only copy over a total assigned per day-I can not get it to copy over 2-shifts-even though I have it displayed??

odd...I'm in P7 learning something new every day and scratching my head daily as well lol.

Sandy Matheson
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We use a P6 report to do this, not a screen copy.

Shah. HB
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Hi Maria del Mar Naz 

Last Option is to check one by one and copy in excel or check by installing in another system




Maria del Mar Naz
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I am using p6.7 any idea of what the reason may be?
Shah. HB
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Hi Maria del Mar Naz 

I do agree,because it happened to me while using P6.1 try using P6.7 it works well




Maria del Mar Naz
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Hi shahul When I did it i copied from the top of the wbs, I Aldo tríed with the select all comand, and even if the time scale is set from the project start to the project finish, some of the columns were not copied
Shah. HB
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Hi Maria del Mar Naz 

Click and copy form the top WBS and paste in excel it works based on time scale settings


