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P6 Roll-up (Performance % CompletE)

3 replies [Last post]
Craig Freake
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Hi All,

In p6, is there any way to roll-up % complete as based on Performance? In my schedule program, some activities are costed/resourced, however,  there is a Owner review period withtout respective costing.... Anayway P6 can roll progress based on a group of activities summarized by WBS? S


cenario 1, 6 activities with no resources and only half are complete, what is the base approach to get a summary of progress which ties as close as possible to EVM philsophy??


Much appreciate your advice...


Craig Freake
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Thanks Shareef!!! WIll try it..

Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Craige


Check out these forum threads. They have the answers you are looking for



Best regards

Shareef A Azeez

Craig Freake
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Nobody can help??? Or is is just not possible in P6 to roll-up to perfomance % complete without adding cost/resource to any activity??? Want to stay away from Duration % complete...... Much appreciate your suggestions..thanks