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Database Error

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Kandarp Joshi
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When I tried to create new project or an EPS, I got error message as:

Event Code: PRMDB-2524-B. PRM DBAccess Error: Database Server Error: Could not allocate space for object ’dbo.REFRDEL’ in database ’pmdb$primavera’ because the ’PRIMARY’ filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.

From this I understood that it suggests database has no more space and i require to delete some old or unneeded files. I tried doing that , though it remained the same case.

And now the situation got worst that now I am not able to open P6 at all. As I try to open it, it gives me the above message and left me with no option than exitting.

Any solution or suggestion fellas???




Zoltan Palffy
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compress the database, compress the file and clean pobs tables file here is how

compress the data base

Click on start All Programs, Microsoft SQl Server 2005, SLQ Server Management Studio

Authentication: Should be SQL Server Authentication

Login: sa

Password: Prima123Vera

Then click connect


on the left Expand the database folder and click on pmdb$primavera

now right click on pmdb$primavera and select task

now select shrink

now select database

at the bottom select OK

when it is done 

right click on pmdb$primavera and select task

now select shrink

now select file

the select ok

colse Microsoft SQl Server 2005, SLQ Server Management Studio

Clean the POBS tables

Click on start All Programs, Microsoft SQl Server 2005, SLQ Server Management Studio

Authentication: Should be SQL Server Authentication

Login: sa

Password: Prima123Vera

Then click connect

Expand the database folder and click on pmdb$primavera

Then up top select new query

Then type this

updatestatistics project with fullscan ,all

updatestatistics task with fullscan, all


then right click and select execute

you can then celan the POBS tables

up top select new query

then type this

delete POBS;

the right click and select execute

now you can close and exit out of sql

NO either delete project that you no longer need 

or select file sed project and email then to yourself

you can also create ANOTHER database


I have a P6 8.4, by 2 years no problems, until today. 

Exception EconvertError in module PM.exe at 0000B846. TCVirtualTable.Refreshappend: UDFVALUE: 460.89 is not a valid floating point -> Data saved to C:\PRBADDATA.TXT

The log file is not on the Disk. The unique difference was the P6 re-installation with JAVA 8 (8.4 came with JAVA 7), it works fine and corrected another XML error (error to import by bad Java address), not imported the XML, but I could work with the other files and xer. Closed it and restarted, then this error appeared.


Any suggest will be welcomed!

Thanks, Nelson

Hi! I corrected my problem by rewriting the DB. Nelson.
Rodel Marasigan
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To run Database Configuration: (by default)
Select Start-> Primavera-> Help & Utilities-> Database configurations
A Database Configuration Dialog box will pop-up then click Next. Tick "configure my database Connection" then click Next..Next...until reaching User Name and Password. Enter pubuser (for both user name & password) then click Next until the Dialog says "Connection Successful!" then click Finish and run Primavera again.
Kandarp Joshi
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thanks for your reply Rodel,

sorry but I could not understand what do you mean by ’run database configuration’.

Are you saying to access or open database (MSSQL server)without going through primavera interface and delete those projects that are not required? If so, could you explain me how can I open /operate it.

I had never tried MSSQL so do not have much idea how it works.

Many thanks for your help.

Rodel Marasigan
User offline. Last seen 20 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Try to run Database configuration and it may help.