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Resource budgeted units being divided?

8 replies [Last post]
David Blades
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Can anyone tell me what setting is causing this to happen please? I am using task dependent activites, fixed units/time (duration type)
Example. I have an activity with 5 days duration, when I add one resource it’s fine, when I add the second it’s dividing the budgeted units by the number of recources in this case it becomes 2.5 if I were to add a third the budgeted units for each of the 3 recources would become 1.7.

I need to show 5 days for each of the recources.

Thanks in advance


David Blades
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Thank you Rodel
Rodel Marasigan
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I’m not surprise because P6.2 default was depends on the industry type selected. Installation of P6.2 will change the original settings but I’m surprise because P6.1 has different database from P6.2 and P6.1 cannot access P6.2 database vise versa. It’s either upgrade to P6.2 or the new planner will degrade to P6.1

Best Regards,
David Blades
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Thank you Guys

Rodel.... I thought this was the problem but couldn’t understand how it happened... let me explain.
We had 3 users on our system all set as ’preserve the units, duration and unit/time for existing assignments’. Yesterday a new planner joined the team and P6.2 was installed on her pc. It was after this installation that I started getting calls from the users that this issue had started happening. This morning I have visited all pc’s on the system and all were changed to ’recalculate the units option’. I was under the impression that this change was user specific so in no way connected it to the new installation.... problem sovled but I remain confused as to how it has happened? Again many thanks for your help.
Rodel Marasigan
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I know all of that and their behaviour when combining duration type and Percent complete type which response to updating your progress and not to the issue stated above. You can experiment by using any of that combination and add resources and see what will be the result. As long as the Preserve setting is tick, it will not divide the unit and reduce the duration when adding resources.
Deepak Jain
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Duration type needs to be choosen properly,otherwise it infers with resource allocation. something self explanatory from P6 help extract as below...

- Choose Fixed Units/Time if you want the resource units per time to remain constant when the activity duration or units change. This type is used when an activity has fixed resources with fixed productivity output per time period. You most often choose this duration type when you are using resource dependent activities.

- Choose Fixed Duration & Units/Time if you want the activity duration to remain constant and the remaining units to change. This type is used when the activity is to be completed within a fixed time period regardless of the resources assigned. You most often choose this duration type when you are using task dependent activities.

- Choose Fixed Units if you want the activity units to remain constant when the duration or resource units per time change. This type is used when the total amount of work is fixed, and increasing the resources can decrease the activity duration. You most often choose this duration type when you are using resource dependent activities.

- Choose Fixed Duration & Units if you want the activity duration to remain constant and the units/time to change. This type is used when the activity is to be completed within a fixed time period and the total amount of work is fixed. You most often choose this duration type when you are using task dependent activities.
Rodel Marasigan
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It’s nothing to do with Duration Type and Percent Complete Type and very far to connect with drive activity dates and other settings that you mention. The only setting that affect to that problem is the Preserve Units settings that I mentioned on my early post which you also mentioned on the last paragraph of your post.
Deepak Jain
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You will need to set the duration type to "fixed duration & units" on each of the activities. Percentage complete type must be "physical if remaining duration and percentage complete are not to be in a fixed

On every resource record, ensure that "drive activiy dates" is not ticked.

On the project details ensure that the above settings are the defaults. In addition ensure that "recalculate actual cost when duration % complete" option is unticked and Link Budget and at completion for not started activites" is unticked.

On the resources tab, ensure that the
"drive activity dates by default" is unticked.

In addition, ensure that on the calculations tab of User Preerences that resource assignments are set to be "preserve the units ...."

All of the above should sort you out !

Rodel Marasigan
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Select Edit-> Users Preferences-> Calculation tab. Change the settings under Resource Assignments to Preserve the Units, Duration and Unit/Time for existing assignments.