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How to equalize Labor Resource Budgeted Units to Non Labor Resource Budgeted Units while Using Global change in P6 v 7 ?

2 replies [Last post]
Mohammed Wasiuddin
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Dear Superiors,

Can any one assist me on the above subject Please !


I have a Labor type Resource Name – Dozer Operator whose Budgeted Units are =  464.

Non labor type Resource Name – Dozer who’s Budgeted Units are =  0.

Here my question is !!

  Is there any way to equal those Dozer Operator Budgeted Units 464 to Dozer while Using Global change in P6 v 7 .

Thanking you and Regards,





Zoltan Palffy
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if budgeted non labor units equal 0

then budgeted non labor units equal budgeted labor units


in the global change make sure that the Select Subject Area up top is set to Activity Resource Assigments

Biswaranjan Beher...
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I am also looking for the answer of same question, how to equalize budgeted labor unit to budgeted nonlabor unit using global change or any other way?