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Strange Problem - Must finish BY date in P6

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Haresh Jayanth
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I am facing a strange problem in Must Finish by date in P6. My program was originally built in with Must finish date of 23rd July 2012. Later we got instructions to change the must finish date to 24th July 2012. (a day added)

But when i change the must finish date from 23rd July 2012 to 24th July 2012 and reschedule it, P6 calculates my schdule only based on 23rd July 2012 not on 24th July 2012.

I even tried to change Anticipated finish date to 24th July 2012, but still the problem is there. Moreover 24th July 2012 is not an holiday here. i also checked the calendar settings.

But if i change the must finish date as 25th July 2012, P6 calculates my project based on 24th July 2012...Can anyone explain me the reasons......


Dinesh Kumar
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John Paul Augustine,

When you update duration percentage progress the finish date time won't always be at 5PM (Hope you know how the remaining duration is calculated). So display date time in full and trace back using relationship tab, you would be able to fix the problem.


Srinivas Gajjarapu
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hello All,

Please advise on the similar case below in P6v7

1) Project calender is 24Hrs 7 days with 2 shifts Day: 6am-6pm & Night 6pm-6am

2) Calender for Day Shift 12Hrs x 7 days (6am to 6pm)

3) Night Shift 12hrs x 7 days (6pm tp 6am)

These calenders are assigined for Activities & Resources (depending on resource allocation).

Now, I want my finish milestone to be on 12th June 2011 6pm. When I try to assign a mandatory finish on the Finish milestone, the system says "12/6/11 6 PM is not a valid date/time value".

Any ideas to rectify this problem?


Ronald Winter
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This is what we call, the “Default Time Issue Problem” with P6. Remember that even if you are ‘working in days,’ P6 is always really working in hours and minutes. If you choose to not display hours, then P6 will automatically assume that you mean 00:00 (the first minute of the day.) A click to the Actual Finish checkbox would set 00:00 as the finish time (and thus one day off.)

This was partially fixed in P6v7. With P6v7, if you click on the Actual Start checkbox, then P6 will assign 08:00 to the hours portion. If you check the Actual Finish checkbox, P6 will assign the time, 17:00. This gives the pre-P6v7 are real reason to upgrade; otherwise, you will need to manually adjust every actual start and finish to correct for this problem.

Unfortunately, the repair chaps at Primavera only do what they are told to do and while they applied this fix to the activity start and finish dates, they left the Default Time Problem active in the Start/Resume boxes and in the Constraint Date boxes.
John Paul Augustine
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Thanks a lot Mr.Rodel.....
Actually there was decimal places present in my durations..]
Now i corrected that. Its really works for my program..
Thanks a lot once again Mr. Rodel
Rodel Marasigan
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As I mention on my previous post, Primavera default is 12:00AM. These are the checking that you need to do.
1)     First make sure that your default calendar is the same as project calendar – Primavera use default calendar to calculate summary band.
2)     Under Edit-> User Preferences-> Date tab-> Time – select 12:00 hrs format – to show time and minutes.
3)     Under Project Window-> Date tab– check the actual start date if same as the set calendar (i.e. 8:00AM)
4)     Under Edit-> User Preferences-> Time Unit tab-> Duration Format -> Decimal – change it to 2 – to check all duration if everything is whole number. Some duration may have decimal that is why it finished on other day or successor start on the same day.
These steps should trace all the wrong duration data and should reflect the correct total durations.
Anoon Iimos
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check your default calendar as well as lags if any

and when you run your schedule, show the time in your data date

John Paul Augustine
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Thanks for your reply Anoon
The calendar i assigned to my activities is having friday as holiday & 6 working days. Only one calendar is used for the activities in my program and all the activities are set as task dependant. I didn’t find any problem with hrs/timeperiod also.
I coudn’t find out the problem yet???
please help....
Anoon Iimos
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That’s due to inconsistencies of your Calendars and Hours per timeperiod settings.

Try to show hours / minutes when you are running or updating your schedule.

Best regards
John Paul Augustine
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Can you please help me?
My project duration is actually 937 days. But in my program in P6 its showing as 936 days. One unsusual thing i noticed in my program is that in the program time for start dates & Finish dates of most of the activities are showing not uniform. That means for example for one activity its finish date showing 12 Nov 2010 9.10AM, not 5PM.Also in my program the project finish date is showing 12 NOV 2012 8AM, not 5PM. But If I change finish date time of each activity to 5 PM manually and scheduled then its coming correct.But you know its hard to change every activities time, Is ther any solution for this problem?
Please help me....
Thanks in advance
Haresh Jayanth
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Thanks again and again Mr. Rodel.........U have a good command on P6............
Rodel Marasigan
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As I mentioned you need to check the time as Primavera by default using 12:00AM. Select Edit-> User preferences-> Dates tab. Under Time tick 12 hour format then click Close. Go to Must Finish Date if set to 24th July 2012 12:00AM then change to 05:00PM and re-schedule again. For sure it will now finished on 24th July 2012.
Haresh Jayanth
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i have checked all parameters for schdule calculation as Day units not hour unit. I even checked user preferences: time units: as day units....

What other parameters, i have to check now further.....
Rodel Marasigan
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What is your last activity? Did you check the Time? By default Primavera set to 12:00AM meaning if your last activity falls 23rd July 2012 at 5:00PM then that’s correct because you cannot work on 24th July 2012 12:AM must finish date.