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Rolling Up of % Complete at WBS Level

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hussein obey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Jun 2005
Posts: 30
Rolling up the same at WBS levels (execluding Performance % Complete which is purely connected to the WBS - but needs additional updation to the new Milestones under the WBS):

There were two ways as in P3: 1) Duration 2) Weight (Cost or Units)

Duration Case:

Item Duration %
WBS 18d 20% = 100*(0.5*5 + 0.1*15)/20

Activity 1 5d 50%

Activity 2 15d 10%

Cost or (Weight) Case:

Item Duration Cost %
WBS 18d 1500 36.7% = 100*(0.5*1000 + 0.1*500)/1500

Activity 1 5d 1000 50%

Activity 2 15d 500 10%

These two options were simply available in P3 ...

But now in P6 it is done that way (exactly copied from the manual):

[(Summary Current Original Duration – Summary Remaining Duration) / Summary Current Original Duration] * 100

Now, please me ask my question if any one can help me ...

I dont believe that a powerfull tool was available in P3 now canceled in P6 ... Till now I only doubt my knowledge ...

So, please if anyone can help me to find out how I can automatically get the weighted progress the way described in Case 2 above as we used to apply it in P3.

Thank you very much.