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Automatic opening of rolled-up WBS-level when using "GoTo" for relationships

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Bo Johnsen
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When analysisng predecessors and successors I often roll up my programme so only a few WBS-levels are shown. I then open that WBS-level where the activity I want to analyse is located in.

When pushing either the "GoTo" for the predecessor or successor panels in the "Relationships"-tab at the bottom, I would like the WBS-level to open automatically and show the pred./succ.-activity, however that doesn't happen.

I can of course push "Expand All" under the View-tab and it will then automatically jump to the pred./succ.-activity, but then the whole programme will be shown again and I can start all over rolling up WBS-levels until I get what I want to see again. A lot of time wasted.

Is there any settings or short cuts to only open the WBS-level where the relevant pred./succ.-activity is located in.


Best regards,



Zoltan Palffy
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Tom Reichner
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Why not roll up the WBS, open the WBS node where your activity lies, and save it as a layout? By opening that layout in the future you should always see the WBS rollup that you wish. 


Also, you could make a filter that displays only that activity, and save it as a layout.


I think I understand your request. I hope this helps.


Tom Reichner

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Paul Harris
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I am fairly sure you will not get this from P6.


Paul E Harris
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