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Incorrect Duration % Complete value at WBS level

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troon sigma
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Hi P6 experts, I am looking at Duration % Complete column and noticed that the activity with lowest Duration % Complete, its Duration % shows at the WBS level.  It seems that at WBS level, the software isn't calculating the correct Duration  % Complete, rather just showing Duration % of the activity that has lowest Duration % value Can someone advise on how to get correct Duration % value at the WBS level? Thanks


Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help 

troon sigma
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Thanks Zoltan!

Rodel Marasigan
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Duration % Complete = percent complete of the activity duration.

Formula = (Original Duration - Remaining Duration)/Original Duration * 100.

Note: Original Duration is taken from the current plan, not from the baseline.

Zoltan Palffy
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That is correct.


The Performance % complete is used to compute earned value and may be based on the Activity% Complete, on the 0/100 rule, on the 50/50 rule which depends on the technique for computing earned-value percent complete for the activity's WBS. The Performance % Complete specifies what percentage of, the activities planned worth has been earned so far

Summary Performance percent complete when displayed on an organize band, will ALWAYS be calculated as (BCWP • 100) I BAC, regardless of what earned value technique is selected for the activity's WBS.

 You could create a LOE activity that spans from the 1st activity (SS) in that wbs to the last actvitiy (FF) in that wbs and look at it that way. The the duration % complete would then be correct beciase it is considering the entire tiem frame not just individual activities. The other thing to do is to create a new activity and give the ACTIVITY TYPE AS WBS SUMMARY AND IT WILL DO THE SAME THINGS AS A LOE type of activitiy.