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Scheduling without actual units

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Beck Lee
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I am wanting to progress schedules without recording actuals (as the PMO maturity isn’t there yet and the interface with the timesheeting system is yet to come).. I have set all resources to NOT auto-compute actuals, yet when I progress activities, actual units still appear..

I have task dependant activities with fixed duration and units/time (as I want remaining units to = remaining duration * original units/time).. Do I have to run a global change to clear out actual units?.. have I set up the activities correctly to acheive this simple progressing method?

I am using P6.1



Arnold Puy
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If you want that your Actual Units will remain zero during progress, you must have to go to Project, select your current project. In Project Detail Tab select Calculations and uncheck “Recalculate Actual Units and Cost when duration % complete changes”.

Activity Type = Task Dependent and Duration Type must be equal to “Fixed Duration & Units”. However, if your Duration Type = Fixed Duration and Units/Time, during progress the Actual Units = 0 and “At Completion Units” is equal to “Remaining Units” and is not equal to “Budgeted Units”.

Qiu Wei
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I think the most of problem is when we fixed the durations and unit/times,the autual units will go with the %comp