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Showing Actual Work/%Complete without it afffecting Planned Start & Planned Finish

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Geoffrey Narlee
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I cannot figure out how to showing Actual Work/%Complete without it afffecting Planned Start & Planned Finish. I know I can show a Baseline. But I want to be working "in-project" on the schedule and the %Complete is controlling Planned Finish dates, as shown on the bar even though they remain as desired in the Columns Grid. I have tried driving the bars with Current Bar, Planned Bar, etc. and cannot get the two dis-entangled.


Geoffrey Narlee
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Oh thank you Johannes!

I can take my head out of the oven now. I had not followed through with that variable on both sides of Gantt layout. And also didn't understand the difference between physical and Performance Percent, and also referred to as Activity % Complete (physical being "entered manually by the user instead of being calculated by the application." Perhaps they should have named it "Manual % Complete, Not Calculated, For Informational Purposes Only, and Thus Not Affecting the Schedule." Hmm. Evevn the acronym would be too long! How about SN % Complete (Side Note)...

I'm very simple, so it's dangerous providing me with all these tools...

Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Geoffrey.

I guess that you have assigned a duration type % complete the tasks. Change this to Physical % complete and you are be able to separately detail the % complete and remaining duration of the task. So,now you can control the task finish date.

Regards Johannes

Geoffrey Narlee
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I wish I could post a jpg on this. What I'm trying to do is say, ok i see I've started this task. I'm 30% done, but I don't want that to control the finish date of the task - I still want to be able to assign a finish date based on my judgement or task interdependencies regardless that the task is 30% done. But Primavera is saying "no the 30% now controls the finish date."