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Productivity factor in P5

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Yusuke Kamui
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Does anyone know how to factor the productivity efficiency in Primavera (P5)?
Currently I have an overall budgeted units for project amounting to 100,000 hrs. Considering an efficiency of only 85% so I need to add 15% on top of the budgeted units to equal to 100,000 + 15% = 115,000 hrs. So how to distribute or change each and every task in my schedule to equate the budgeted units total to 115,000 hrs?? Do I need to add 15% in every task’s budgeted hours?? Take note there are some task having actuals already. All of the task is a resource dependent, fixed unit type.



shiv rao
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You need to use Global Chaneg .

And select Activity Resource Assignment .

Change Budgeted units for All REsources from 1 to 1.15


Larry Rino
User offline. Last seen 1 year 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Sorry but you need to input the new figures (+15%) manually...

Good day
You can try increasing resource max units/time to 115% and recalculate.