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Multiplying Resource rate with some factor

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Planning guy
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i am new to Primavera .

My boss said to me that in our project our all resoureces rate has been increased to 1.5 of the original.

I am not finding any clue in GLOBAL CHANGES how to apply this factor under which category.

As we have thousands of resources in our project . kindly guide how to apply it through GLOBAL CHANGES in P6.



Daniel Limson
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Planning Guy,

Global change is simple but very dangerous if you do not know how to do it.

First of all you need to export your file as back-up, then go to Tools and click "global change'

Click New or modify an exsisting one. IF you are changing all resources then it is very simple.

In the IF table enter where budgeted units is greater than 0

In the Then table below the if enter budgeted units equals budgeted units times (*) 1.5

Then run the global change, if you are happy with the changes, click change and the changes will be permanent.

Good luck