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P5 Why does my baseline bar move when i update

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Donovan Govender
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P5 Why does my baseline bar move when i update logic
things like this always happens when you are in a rush

Please help




Nikhil Menkudale
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Hi, this is Nikhil.
You have made a user baseline. You must have selected current project as project baseline in Assign Baseline dialouge box.
You should go to Bars in gantt chart . There you mark the check-box of primary baseline bar & in timescale column next to bar column you select primary baseline.

Hope this should help.

If not, pls send me screenshots of how you are maintaining & assigning baselines to my mailid.

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And be sure that you show the correct bar in Gantt chart.
Sometime we assign baseline to project-baseline but show out Primary-baseline in Gantt chart.

Donovan Govender
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Thanks guys, I did not have my baseline in the primary box- it was still current


Mark Roberts
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If you are updating a baseline, I would recommend you open the project in "exclusive" mode, & make sure that the "run optimized" is not ticked.

Recently we have had some odd results when updating baselines, & making these changes seemed to fix the problem.

Rodel Marasigan
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If you chose a current project as a baseline then your baseline bars will move when you change the logic. You have to save your current project as new file and assigned that as a primary baseline. Any changes to your current project will not affect your primary baseline.

To save current project as baseline:
1)     Select Project -> Maintain baseline
2)     Click Add and Tick “Save a copy of current project as a new Baseline” and click Ok
3)     Select Project -> Assign baseline
4)     On User Baseline under Primary -> Select the new save baseline from the dropdown box and not the current Project.
You should have a fixed primary baseline.

Hope this help,
Donovan Govender
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Hi Rodel,
When I created the baseline, i chose project, maintain baseline,selected the current project i was in,clicked add.

now when I open maintain diologue box it shows the project name and baseline name,
under basline name- it shows the baseline
in baseline type - it shows "none"
data date -24 sep 07
in last update date- it shows 9 Oct 07
now I dont if 9 oct07 should be there,maybe i did something to cause it to go to 9 oct 07 i have updated my schedule on 5 oct 07, and now on 12 oct07.
what have done wrong or did I not do


Rodel Marasigan
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Are you using Assigned Baseline or a current project as a baseline?
