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Why does Cost is not updated when progress % is updated...Headache of P6

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Haresh Jayanth
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Dear All,

If we are not using Pice/unit in P6 and directly entering cost in P6 , the cost is not getting update in P6, if we are updating the activity in P6........Why this is happing.....Pls let me know......




Haresh Jayanth - PMP , PSP


Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help 

Ruel Camaquin
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Thanks Master Zolthan...

Zoltan Palffy
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go to projects directory make sure that your project is highlighted check your clacluations settings under resource assignments it should be subtract actual from at completion. 

also the recalculey actual units and costs when duration % complete changes 

and link actual and actual this period units and cost

In the defaults tab the duration type should be Fixed durations and units/time

then run a global change where duration % complete = physcial % complete

the price/unit has to be 1 at least 1 becasue anything multiplied or divided by 0 = 0 

Ruel Camaquin
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Hi Zoltan,

It's been a while from the last time we exchange our plesanatries...

With regards to the query above from Haresh, just like to know why is the budgeted cost we directly put on P6 turns to zero (0) when we input the actual dates and/or physical % complete? Hoping to hear from the Master the soonest!


Ruel Camaquin
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Hi Zoltan,

It's been a while from the last time we exchange our plesanatries...

With regards to the query above from Haresh, just like to know why is the budgeted cost we directly put on P6 turns to zero (0) when we input the actual dates and/or physical % complete? Hoping to hear from the Master the soonest!


Ruel Camaquin
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Hi Zoltan,

It's been a while from the last time we exchange our plesanatries...

With regards to the query above from Haresh, just like to know why is the budgeted cost we directly put on P6 turns to zero (0) when we input the actual dates and/or physical % complete? Hoping to hear from the Master the soonest!


Zoltan Palffy
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go to projects directory highlight your project go to calculations tab under resource assignments select 

recalculate actual cost and units whne duration % complete changes 

and make sure to update duration % compelte