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P3e driving & non driving resources

2 replies [Last post]
Jihad Daniel
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Dear Colleagues,
I imported a P3 schedule to P3e and I loaded manually each activity’s resources in Mhrs in "Budgeted Units". Before doing that I went to Project Details, Resources Tab and I removed the tick from Drive Activity Dates as I wanted to have all resources non driving. I completed loading and setting up Project resources/schedule and I was surprised to notice that P3e is doing funny things like calculating durations diffrent than the assigned ones, giving negative total floats to activities where predecessors are not critical, giving negative total floats to activities’ summary where each and every activity belonging to this summary level is not critical, etc.
I tried many ways to adjust the schedule and in one time I exported the file to P3 for checking and found out that all resources are driving ones!!!I also removed the primary resources’ assignment from each activity, in the hope of having successful scheduling but in vain. I tried also to change the units/time or changing the calendar but also did not work out...

Did anyone of you Planners face the same problem while reource loading on P3e? What can be the problem and how I can solve it out?

Your assistance and help are highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
J. Daniel


Travis Bruehl
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Neik - P3e has a feature that allows resources to be "unlinked" from driving activity durations (dates). This has nothing to do with calendars.

This is a new feature to version 4.0 and above - all previous versions had this enabled by default. The newer versions allow for users to disable this either at the activity level, or at the project level.

Have you referenced the help file in P3e? Its fairly comprehensive - and actually has a section that describes how non-driving resources are used in the activities calculated dates (early start, late finish, etc).
Niek Zonneveld
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The first ’problem’ is that P3e does not have the "driving resource" mechanism.

In P3e an activity is either resource dependent or task dependent. In the first option it will schedule an activity when any of the assigned resources is available through their individual resource calendar. In the second option the resource calendars are ignored and the activity calendar is used.

Hope this helps,
