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Cash in at Primavera Product

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Mohamed Salah
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I would like to know if primavera products could loaded and reporting with the cash in at the cash flow curve



Tim Readman
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yes I am saying you an produce predicted cash flw/eard value for the project at any level if that is what is required. This can be summaized up to a comany or enterprise level at differnet phases.

I am not sure that this is wha you require.

Mario Sanvitale
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I take it you don’t really mean cash flow - you can’t do thatwith Primavera - but want to identify the point at which invoices are raised?

You can enter negative expenses which can represent the invoice and by using activity coding can report these separately.

If you want to track revenue and cost at resource level on an accrual basis, this is more difficult and involves a secondary rate per resource.
Tim Readman
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if you are trying to produce a projected cash flow you use the budget feature, or make a resource named proejct cash non material, and then level of balance actvity type. You can then use the resoure curves to spread the money over the time period.


Tim Readman