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Not enough space for Activity descriptions

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David Ball
User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all,

I only seem to have around 48 characters to play with for Activity Descriptions in P3. This is annoying and inadequate.

Is this number adjustable somewhere? I.e. is there a setting I can change to allow more text for the Activity Description?



Neeraj Agarkar
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48 char. sufcnt for xpresng thot.
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Hi David,

Basically follow the verb noum pricinple

For example: puor concrete, install re-bars, paint wall

Then you can place location

pour concrete GF, pour concrete 1F, pour concrete 2F and so on and so forth

paint wall GF lobby, paint wall 23F U235, paint wall 23F staircase, and so on and so forth

Ronald Winter
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Brevity is the cornerstone of communication. Remember, you only have so much screen space or paper width to play with. If you take up ¾ of the page describing your activity, this leaves you with 2 to 3 columns to report on. If you narrow-down the column width to display more data, then the significant part of your activity description probably becomes lost. You should not be using all 48 characters for this very reason.

Now is the time to use some discipline so that you may reap the rewards of a better looking report later. Learn what thousands of P3 schedulers have learned before you; that you can organize your thoughts to say what you mean without writing an entire paper on it. Good luck!
Dieter Wambach
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Hi David
As P3 has about 25 years of age it’s based on btrieve as database, i.e. fixed and restricted record and field lengths.
You can use the log.