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Error message "Project or path not found"

5 replies [Last post]
James Braghini
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I keep getting this error message even though all of the P3 files are shown in Window’s Explorer. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is causing this error message and how to fix it?


Hi James,
Try this:
1.Create a folder
2.Copy all the P3 files into the folder, i.e.the base line schedule and the latest updated P3 schedule
3.Try opening the file from this folder
The reason for this error message is that there is no target project for the present file you are trying to open
James Braghini
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You are correct, however, neither case applies to this situation. Could explain what you mean by "alias"?

James B.
Dieter Wambach
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As P3 is an ol software you still find some restrictions of ancient DOS-time. I assume you stumbled over the maximum path length (64 characters + name of one level <= 8).
1. Use an alias or
2. Move all files of the P3 project to a higher level of your directoy structure.

Good luck!
James Braghini
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The error message "Project or path not found" is when you try to open up a project, not when you open P3. We can open P3 without any problems. I did the rename already and we still get the error message. The project group/ project name is blank. Is there something else we could do or another fix? Thanks for your help.

James B.
Johny Kesserwany
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Hi James,

When do you have this error message:
A) trying to open a project
B) message when opening P3
C) trying to extract a project

A) To Fix:
1. Rename the PROJAC2.P3 file to PROJAC2.OLD, where PROJ is the 4 character project name. This is the access file. The next time the project is opened, it will prompt you to convert it to multi-user format. Click Yes.

2. Make sure the name of the Project is not PROJ. This is a reserved word in P3. Rename the project files to something else at a command prompt. For example to rename the project to TEST enter the following at a command prompt in the projects directory: REN PROJ*.* TEST*.*

3. Verify the project extension is correct for this project, close all projects and go to Tools, Options, File Extension.

B) to Fix:
Right click on the shortcut icon on the desktop and choose the shortcut tab. Check the target and make sure it points to the correct P3.EXE file. (Usually C:\P3WIN\P3PROGS, but could be a different drive letter depending on where P3 is installed.)

C)to Fix:
Associate the PRX files with the PRXEXEC.EXE file in Explorer.


Verify the PRX extension in the WIN.INI file under the [Extensions] section is pointing to PRXEXEC.EXE.

Change the Extract From directory to a new directory.
