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P3 e/c and P3

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What are the main differences between P3 e/c and P3


In such comparisons there are always things that an author considers as valuable and others as not valuable at all, and things that somebody considers as valuable and an author just missed. Besides I think that all parameters should be weighted. And for planners most valuable parameters are among those that concern scheduling and simulating options, accuracy and reliability of results.
In any case thank you, your review is very informative.
IC Quiamco
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Comparison of P3 e/c and P3 3.1

Features - P3e/c - P3 3.1

1.Database - Oracle/SQL Server/Interbase - Btrieve
2.Project/WBS levels - 25 - 2/10
3.Project codes - unlimited Hierarchical - 10 Flat
4.Activity Codes - unlimited Hierarchical - 10 Flat
5.Resource Codes - unlimited Hierarchical - None
6.Resource hierarchy - Yes - No
7.Roles, Skills, Proficiencies -Unlimited roles, skills, 5 levels prof - No
8.Integrated Timesheets - Yes - No
9.Web Access - Yes,portfolios,project,resources - No
10.Portfolio Analysis - Yes - No
11.Text Attachements - unlimited,rich text,activities,WBS, Projects - 99 line log, acvities only
12.Project, activity & Resource IDs - 20 Character - 4 only
13.Baselines - unlimited, 3 at a time, named - unlimited, 2 at time
14.Grouping Total - In Group Band - Separate Line
15.Project Screen - Yes - No
16.WBS Views - Gant, Chart - None
17.Open multiple project - Yes, unlimited in same view - Yes, 4 in windows
18.Duration units - Weeks,Days,Hours,Mins-decimal,mixed - Days or hours by project, whole #’s, not mixed
19.Built in speel check - Yes - No, add-in
20.Attach documents - Yes, Project,Activities,WBS - No
21.Find (and replace) - Yes - No, Find on activity only
22.Data Tabs - Customizable - Can show>1
23.Bar Options - Filters,unlimited,Summary rollup - Color by code, attachments
24.Security - Extensive, down to WBS, dictionary - Limited to project, r/w or r
25.MS Project interface - MPX or directimport/export, summary option - MPX import/export only
26.Resource Rates - unlimited steps - 6 steps
27.Shits - unlimited shift definitions - only one set of shift definitions
28.Custom Data Items - 35/project, 20/activity, 8/resource assignment, 6/res - 8/activity, 8/resource asgnmt
29.Project Templates - Methodology Mgr, Project Architect - FragNets
30.Layout security - by user or global - project only, no security
31.Resource usage view - Show detail by resource assignment, can group - Shows only totals
32.Past period actuals - Yes for hours when entered by timesheet - Yes, for hours & cost, EV & actual
33.Views - Most views can be top or bottom - Gantt & PERT separate views
34.Overtime - YES, on actuals - No
35.Scheduling server - Yes - No
36.Built-in Expedition integration - Yes - External only
37.Top down budget - Yes - No
38.Project funding & benefits - Yes - No
39.Multi-Currency - Yes, simple - No
40.Resource View - Yes - No
41.Real Time integration - Possible through db triggres - No
42.Summary data - Stored in db by WBS, project - Calculated each time
43.Issues and risks - By Project or WBS - No
44.Show resource use across project - Yes,through summaries - Yes but only by project group
45.Primavera post offce - No - Yes
46.Export/import from excel - Yes,export,import only in xer format (3.5-excel) - Yes,both
47.Global change - Yes, activity data only (3.5 res data) - Yes, activty and resource data
48.Timescale - Change interactively - change through dialog
49.Assign multiple codes, resource, pred,succs. - Yes, in active view - Yes, in global change (no preds,succs.)
50.Bar necking - only for critical - Yes, for all activities
51.Grouping options - Very flexible, most data items, including CDI - Limited options, codes & selected data items.
52.Longest path option for float - YES - YES
53.Type ahead on selection boxes - YES - YES
54.Matrix Report - Possibly through Infomaker - YES
55.Bar color pattern by codes - No - YES
56.Splitting,stretching & crunching - No - YES
57.Lite tool - Standalone P3e/c only - SureTrack
58.Contiguous & interuptable - No - YES
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Thanks for this information Vladimir. I think this information is very vital to the extensive argument and counter argument in one of the threads here in Primavera Project Planner about why did Primavera has to change platform to P3e instead of just developing Project Planner.
Marc Borburgh
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"P3e is not the result of the P3 development."

Unfortunately :(
What can be added:
P3 and P3e are totally different products developed by different teams and different companies. Original version of P3e was presented to the market in October of 1998 at PMI conference in Long Beach (California). It was called Eagle Ray and was developed by small American company. Then Eagle Ray disappeared and later (in 1999) was pesented as P3e.
P3e is not the result of the P3 development.
Shahzad Munawar
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Paul’s reply on difference of P3 and P3e is very comprehensive and clear each and every thing on this issue
Paul Harris
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P3e is an Enterprise product and it is has the capability for a company to put a large number of projects in the one database under an "Enterprise" hierarchical structure, similar to a project WBS but for a corporation. P3 has a project and subproject environment where all subprojects share all the same codes, calendars resources etc. In p3e/c, each project may have its own calendars and Activity Codes and draw resources from a hierarchical pool of resources which may also have "Roles" assigned.

P3e/c does not have the restrictions on field lengths and number of fields which P3 has. Activity Code and Description lengths are very generous. There also no limits to the number of calendars and codes.

P3e lacks some of the maturity of P3 and does not have some of the functions and formatting I would normally expect, but they should come in the future. There are no Activity ID Codes that I consider almost essential in large schedules and the leveling functions are less developed than P3. P3e/c has significantly more Auto Cost rules and handles EVPV better in my opinion but will take longer to learn to use.

P3e has a number of facilities which make the product align with "PRINCE2" methodology such as Risk Logs, Issues Logs, OBS and Thresholds. It also has features which people come to expect such as holding peoples email address and a timesheet function.

P3 uses an old Btrive architecture and P3e/c may use one three types of databases and has a more modern architecture which IT departments prefer.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers, Training & Consulting