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Weekly schedule % complete.

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nadeem syed
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Hi all,

Just wondering, in P6 if there is any way to get weekly planned schedule % complete in excel.



Kind Regards,



Zoltan Palffy
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your scheduled % complete is  from your basline schedule it is the total planned mahours for the project divided by the cumulatived manhours up to that month

i.e. total planned manhours 100 

total cumulative manhours at the end of that month = 10 

therefore 100/10= planned 10% complete

nadeem syed
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Hi, I have manhours assigned to each activity, what I'm trying to get in spreadsheet is literally Schedule % Complete, not budgeted units or remaining units or BL budgeted units.

Zoltan Palffy
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planned of what ?

what is your measuring stick 

assign manhours to each activity then you will know the answer