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Actual activity percent complete, but zero labor units percent complete. Why? Wrong settings?

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mariya Mariya
User offline. Last seen 13 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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When I put actual start date, activity percent complete, lactual abour units remains 0, remainig unit and at completion do not match budgeted, wrong summaries, group totals,  why? Is it wrong settings in calculations or something else?


sadegh usman
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P6, Think is not matching, probably after you put percentage,you level your schedule.this sometimes cause the problem, specially in P6



Shareef Abdul Azeez
User offline. Last seen 3 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 183

Hi Mariya


I hope you are talking about P6.0

If yes, Then you have to decide on your settings for

(i) % complete type

    - Physical

    - Units



(ii) Activity Duration type

    - Fixed Units

    - Fixed Units/ time

    - Fixed Duration & Units

    - Fixed Duration & Units/ time


I am not clear with your situation but I feel a setting with a combination  of - (i) Units with (ii)Fixed units/time would give you what you are looking for.

With P3.0 the setting are different, a lot simpler but would not handle the variations in data input.


And about Grand Totals summaries, P6 uses Global default clendar to calculate summaries. So check what your Global Calendar settings are...


Best Regards

Shareef A Azeez