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Duration Difference - At Completion Duration based on Default Calendar

2 replies [Last post]
Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 25 weeks 3 days ago. Offline

Hello Everyone,

The is a Difference in Duration in the WBS. The Project Duration is shown as 174 Days and Milestone Duration is 243 Days (which is the calendar days).



I have 3 Types of Calendar in the Project a). 5 Days Work Week, b). 6 Day Work Week and c). 7 Day Work Week.

The Default Calendar of the Project is 7 Days Work Week.

Could you please guide me on how to show in the Project Duration as 243 Days (Calendar Days).





Zoltan Palffy
User offline. Last seen 20 weeks 10 hours ago. Offline
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just make sure that you set a defaul calendar for the PROJECT

Jithin Kambhikanam
User offline. Last seen 25 weeks 3 days ago. Offline

HI Everyone,


Got the Answer after doing some research,


I went to Enterprise - Calendars - Global Section - Then I moved Default Calandar Tick from the Calendar which had a 5 Day Work week to 7 Day Work Week.

Now the Total Duration is same as the the Below WBS Duration.


