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Format Duration column to reflect the total calendar weeks/days instead of total working hours in P6

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Nirav Shah
User offline. Last seen 4 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2008
Posts: 8


Guys please help,

I have assigned Night working hours calendar to group of activities and the default calender is normal working hours. As please note there are other works which are planned during day and therefore has got day working hours.

One of the element of works needs to be carried out during nights only and is anticipated to take 10 night shifts. The 'Original Duration' column is showing me the TOTAL WORKING HOURS and I am want P6 to show me the normal working days.

The bar spans out correctly in the Barchart that is for two weeks and the Start / Finish date are also correct but in duration column it just shows me the total working days to finish that element of work whereas i want to show the duration as difference of between start and finish date. 


Thanks in anticipation.


edwin mirana
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Just click edit, user preferences and time units tab. Then change the unit of time to day.


Martin Selley
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Posts: 7


One way to do this is to create a custom field which you set up in your display and then run a global change to dive duration by 12 - 24 etc.