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Rules of credit - drawings

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Dennis Hanks
User offline. Last seen 8 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Apr 2007
Posts: 310

Is there general agreement on the rules of credit for drawing development? I'm using: Start 10%, Check 70%, Approve 90%, Issue 100%. Any thoughts appreciated.

Please note what industry the rules apply. The above rules came from an Oil and Gas client. Thanks.



This is normally used for process industry and power plants. Preliminary dubmittal will give you complete understanding of the system design requirements and in intermediate submittal will provide clear indications of progress towards design completion and resoulation of design problems and changes including icorporation of all items of agreed action based on previoues review comments. This stage will include all calculations.



This is normally used for process industry and power plants. Preliminary dubmittal will give you complete understanding of the system design requirements and in intermediate submittal will provide clear indications of progress towards design completion and resoulation of design problems and changes including icorporation of all items of agreed action based on previoues review comments. This stage will include all calculations.


Dennis Hanks
User offline. Last seen 8 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Apr 2007
Posts: 310


Thanks. What industry? What does each category mean? E.g. what would be in/or different in Intermediate Design Package that was not in Preliminary Design Package?


i have done it as follows;

10%-Design Program Initial Submittal

30%-Preliminary Design Package

60%-Intermediate Design Package Submittal

90%-Pre-final design Package Submittal

100%-Final Design Package Submittal (or Issued for Construction).

I hope this will help you.

