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revised program - totally new program

2 replies [Last post]
Alaa Al haj
User offline. Last seen 7 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Nov 2007
Posts: 79


I want to prepare revised program – but instead of using last update copy I want to prepare totally new program – of course the completed activities will be added as summary activities ( high level ) with 100% Status


Is this accepted contractually


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 15 weeks ago. Offline

Hi Alaa,


I agree with Mike. -Make sure you get agreement in advance that this is acceptable before starting down this path.


I cannot tell you if it is contractually acceptable since I don't know anything about your contract, but if I was acting on behalf of the client I would need a very good reason to let you do this, because it is not good practise:

1) Makes it easier to hide unjustifiable changes to the programme

2) Makes it very difficult to compare revised vs orginal programme (different AIDs & potentially WBS / descriptions for the same activity)

3) Makes the schedule of changes you should be including with the revised programme more complex than it needs to be

4) Rolling up completed activities to a high-level summary instantly makes the programme invalid for any meaningful forensic analysis of historical performance




Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 26 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Alaa

This is not normal practice and you would need very good reasons to completely re-draw the remaining work in a new programme.

If I was the Engineer asked to approve such a new programme my immediate reaction would be that you were setting it up for an EoT claim.

So discuss things at the next meeting and get permission to re draw the programme before wasting your time.

Best regards

Mike Testro